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Church in Fall
Church in Fall


Our church is more than just Sunday worship and prayers. There’s a whole lot happening within our community throughout the week. We hold frequent gatherings and events, with special get together for many organizations.

Worship Bulletins




Church in Fall


† Sunday School for Nursery through Adults

9:45-10:45 am


Welcome back to Sunday School.  This years first day of Sunday School is September 8th from 9:45-10:45.  Classes on Sunday this year are for age 1 to 7th grade.  Meet in the sanctuary for music from 9:45-10:00.  


Classes & Locations

5th-7th Grade Room 201

Pre-K—4th Room 206

Nursery Class—nursery and 208


† Nursery Class


Welcome to all of our little ones.  We would like to invite your children age 1-3 to this years Nursery Class.  This class will be on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45 a.m. each Sunday starting September 8th.  The kids will hear a Bible Story, watch a video and learn about the story through their play and other activites.  


† Open Door Class

Sundays starting September 8th


You are invited to the New Open Door Sunday School Class for adults. We start September 8th from 9:45-10:45 in Fellowship Hall. If you need a place to belong, a reason to grow or even something to do while your kids are in Sunday school, please join us.



†  Pure Joy

Wednesday Nights from 5:30-6:30

September 11 in Room 206/208


Kids 3rd grade through 12th grade are invited to join Pure Joy.  This is a group centered around making crafts.  We plan to explore science, sew, play games and do mission work. â€‹


† God Squad

Wednesday Nights from 5:30-6:30

September 11 in Room 201


Kids 3rd grade through 12th grade are invited to join God Squad.  This class plans to explore science, play games, do woodworking, and many other activites.


† Youth Group

Wednesday Nights

6:30—7:00 Meal

7:00—8:15 Activities


All Youth 7th - 12th grade are welcome to join the Youth Group.

This group is centered around building a meaningful relationship with God.  

Starting September 18th youth will meet at the church for a meal from 6:30-7:00.  The youth groups evenings are filled with mission projects, games, crafts, and Bible activities that help them grow their leadership skills. Friends are always welcome.


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