
The Youth at FUMC are a fun and energetic group that loves to learn about God through study and service projects.
Youth Group
Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00
Meal 6:30-7:00
Youth Group 7:00-8:00
For any question contact Amanda Warrick
† Youth Group
Wednesday Nights
6:30—7:00 Meal
7:00—8:15 Youth Group
All Youth 7th - 12th grade are welcome to join the Youth Group.
September 11
Meet at the bowling alley from
6:30-8:00 for free pizza and bowling.
This group is centered around building a meaningful relationship with God.
Starting September 18th youth will meet at the church for a meal from 6:30-7:00. The youth groups evenings are filled with mission projects, games, crafts, and Bible activities that help them grow their leadership skills. Friends are always welcome.